Edie’s mind is starting to falter and Arthur’s legs aren’t what they were but, from the comfort of their armchairs, they dive into a kaleidoscope of memories from their life together. From their sleepy farmhouse at the edge of Salisbury Plain, they await the arrival of a young visitor and a reunion that will expose a family whose closeness is fraying at the seams.
A life-affirming tribute to love and gratitude for a life well-lived, Barney Norris’ tender and uplifting play was awarded the Critics’ Circle Award and the OffWestEnd Award for Most Promising Playwright when it premiered in 2014. Chichester-born Barney Norris is an award-winning playwright and acclaimed author of novels Undercurrent, Five Rivers Met On A Wooded Plain and The Vanishing Hours.
Redlynch Players will be performing Visitors from Wednesday 27th November through to Saturday 30th November 2024 at Redlynch Village Hall.
More information on how to get tickets will follow at the end of September.
If you would like to register for our mailing list please email info@redlynchplayers.co.uk